We're a great all rounder!

We're a great all-rounder

It’s fair to say that the world of print is a unique landscape… If you’ve ever worked in marketing, procurement, design or any other profession that involves managing the production of print, you’ll know that finding the right people for each job can be a minefield.

Given that there are so many specialities, it’s pretty much impossible to get everything done in one place – so you need either a really good memory or an extensive filing system to stay on top of it all. This is how mine used to look….

The good news…

While most printers specialise in one or maybe two areas, this doesn’t have to be the case. Admittedly, it isn’t going to be possible for one printer to do EVERYTHING – there will always be niche jobs such as flexographic printing or laser cutting. But if you can find a company who can produce the majority of your print under one roof, imagine the time and hassle you would save!

This is where Chroma can step in. You’ll see from our range of in-house services that we cover everything from litho, digital and large format to textured print, direct mail and branded items. We also have our own team of finishing specialists who are experts in lamination, die-cutting, varnishing and much more.

From humble beginnings more than 25 years ago when we had just one single-colour press, we have grown and adapted over time, investing in the latest equipment and technology and diversifying our services to meet our clients’ needs.

It gets even better…

“That’s great,” I hear you say, “but I still have to set up and manage all of my print requests, which takes a lot of time.”

Don’t worry, we’ve thought about that too!

There’s nothing worse than having to dig through the archives or badger your design team for artwork. With the Chroma Portal you can access all of your ongoing print requirements in one place. It transforms the ordering process from this…

Request Quote → Await Quote → Confirm order → Send artwork → Approve Artwork → Production → Delivery

…into this…

Find artwork in your custom-built portal → Choose quantity → Get an instant price → Add to basket and check out → Receive print within 1-3 working days (specialist requests may take longer)

By streamlining the processes involved in ordering print, you’ll free up time to focus on other priorities. It’s just like any other online order – quick, easy and convenient – right down to having a lead time for delivery when you check out. See how it works here

So what are you waiting for?…

If you want to make print management more manageable, contact us on 0118 321 2200 or email hello@chromagroup.co.uk – we’re happy to answer any questions and run through the benefits of working with us.