Introducing Chroma


Decades before being green became a universal concern, Conservatree Print & Design was trailblazing the concept of sustainable printing. Now that the world has caught up with us, our Thames Valley business has decided to shift the spotlight onto our core business – the art (and science) of producing beautifully printed marketing materials in every colour under the sun.

With sustainability still high on the agenda, we have changed our name to Chroma – the ancient Greek word that means purity, intensity and vividness of colour.

Our Managing Director Chris Goslar explains why it is time to rebrand: “The Conservatree brand highlighted our environmental leadership at a time when green was still the colour between blue and yellow to most. We’re delighted that the importance of protecting our planet is more widely recognised today – and we’re proud of the work we’ve done to promote sustainable printing.”

Why Chroma? We believe the new name will remind people of what our company does so well “Colour is critical in every piece of marketing material we produce because it’s at the heart of any brand. Standing alongside our clients as their brand guardians, we help them to succeed through our relentless pursuit of perfection in colour and quality.”

Looking ahead to 2020 and beyond, we see a vibrant future for Chroma: “We launched our new name and brand on 2 January 2020 – and our new website is now live. Aware that we’re only as good as our last job, we’ll continue to invest in our people and technology to stay ahead of the game, using our print and colour expertise to produce exceptional work. We’ll also remain committed to finding ways to reduce our environmental impact by minimising the waste we produce, by using eco-friendly materials such as recycled and FSC certified paper, and by taking part in carbon offsetting schemes.”

Established in 1993, Conservatree Print & Design Limited is based in Reading, Berkshire. From 2 January 2020, the company’s full trading name will become Conservatree Print & Design Limited trading as Chroma, while its legal entity, including the company registration number, will remain unchanged.

“Chris and his team always have our best interests at heart. Masters of their profession, they go above and beyond to deliver outstanding results for us – and they’re not afraid to speak up if they can see a better way of doing things. Getting colour consistently right is one of Conservatree’s key strengths, so the name Chroma is the perfect choice for their new brand.”

Marketing Manager at Tenable